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I need to do this more often, I feel vigorous.
wait two hours then see how vigorous you feel
you're absolutely right, nap time!
i hate waking up early. might be the worst thing ever.
it's even better in the winter - you wake up and it's still dark Undecided
yea sleeping late is better, but waking up early is really only bad if you have to go someplace you don't wanna go. otherwise it's not so bad.
I was always a sleep in guy, but then I started working at this place, and once my schedule lightens up, I'll be working a full 10-11 hour day, and still get home by 6:30 at the latest every day.
now I'm tired Undecided
Did you get the job?
I will find out next week
You are so money you don't even know.

They were all like little bunny rabbits I bet and you walked in there like a big bear with claws and fangs... i'm just pokin you, just pokin you!!!!
waking up early is the worst.

i just got up now.
i got up at 4