Full Version: Come celebrate my Birthday with me
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I'll be there around 9 gonzo, sorry, it's the earliest I can get there when relying on a train.
i wanna go Cry but, then i'd miss my opportunity to own the board tonight... :burnfucker:
crx girl Wrote:i wanna go Cry but, then i'd miss my opportunity to own the board tonight... :burnfucker:
dont still wont own the board
we'll see Confusedlurp:
crx girl Wrote:we'll see Confusedlurp:
yes...yes we will :burnfucker: :oh yeah:
i'm closing on ya? did you go to bed already?
crx girl Wrote:i'm closing on ya? did you go to bed already?
no...i went to play video're still not ahead
i never said i was ahead, but i am gaining on ya :no, really, fuck off: somebody remind me to tell ikea that the next "guardian" is about a cutter chick...
crx girl Wrote:i never said i was ahead, but i am gaining on ya :no, really, fuck off: somebody remind me to tell ikea that the next "guardian" is about a cutter chick...
tell ikea the next "guardian is about a cutter chick
so, uh, isn't it passed your bed time, or is daddy letting you stay up to watch the rest of the game?
crx girl Wrote:so, uh, isn't it passed your bed time, or is daddy letting you stay up to watch the rest of the game?
how low you have sunk, that you have to rely to THAT incredibly old gag
be quiet youngen, i'm desperate
i can tell
so, i guess nobody got home yet...
nope...nobody else to whore more of the fun stuff like :running at mouth: or :oh yeah:
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