Full Version: Arrest Warrant Issued For Michael Jackson
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Thats my point, no one wants to die a virgin and cancer patients ain't exactly en vougue around the singles scene.
puss is sexy
my lip is sexy
Where did you get that gift from?
are you and gooch in IM's trading ideas?
Whats black in comes in little white cans?
is he really black tho? at this point I think it's safe to say he's white.
What does michael jackson and a plastic grocery bag have in common?

They're both dangerous for children to play with unattended.
what did the woman to Michael Jackson while at the pool?

Get out of my son
what did the woman Say to Michael Jackson while at the pool?

Get out of my son
and it's still not funny

Edited By Black Lazerus on 1069352615
Whats a perfect 10 to Michael Jackson.

Two five year olds.
A Catholic Priest said to Michael Jackson one day, "I'll give you two fives for a ten".
so, they were showing a clip of him from ten years ago when he was first investigated. remember how back then everyone thought he'd made himself look really weird with all the plastic surgery. turns out he still looked almost normal back then.
Q: What do Michael Jackson and a child molester have in common?

A: they both molest children
You'd better have better material on Saturday or this is gonna' be a huge let down.
You didn't invite your trolls from the other place did you (read: Silera)?
[Image: mjmug1.jpg]
he only weighs 120 pounds???
I bet if he were in jail, he'd be the woman.
He looks so sad.
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