Full Version: I submit that the best sandwich ever is....
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Keyser Soze Wrote:blarpi thinks suzie is attractive, so his opinion doesnt really matter anyhow.
Since I will assume this means me, show me a picture and I will tell you if you are right.
Yeah Jays, that was a mistake on my part. Damn me for doing more than one thing at a time.

And you can smell the dump in Carteret and Perth Amboy in the summer time when the wind is blowing toward the west. Especially on a hot day after it rains.
Quote:The only reason Jersey smells like a sewer is because we're often downwind of Staten Island.

Quote:And you can smell the dump in Carteret and Perth Amboy in the summer time when the wind is blowing toward the west. Especially on a hot day after it rains.

Hot day in the summertime after it rains with a westerly breeze in Carteret and Perth Amboy is far from a regular, everyday occurence. Thus, your argument is flawed.

Jersey smells because of refineries, not Staten Island.
What are these refineries of which you speak?
My point has been proven.
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