Full Version: An effective strategy when driving in traffic
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When there is gridlock and no cars can move anywhere, you should honk. A lot. And for a sustained period of time.

Though it may look like no cars are moving, rest assured that doing so prevents further snow from falling and will get you home faster.
I heard if you honk 10 times in a row, a helicopter will be summoned and will pick your car up and deliver it directly to your home!
GET A BIKE!@@#@#
damn straight, up the punx!
Another effective strategy to combat traffic is not to drive a car.
My favorite move is when the light turns green, the car at the front zooms into the intersection knowing full well they won't make it through because traffic is at a standstill. You HAVE to move when the light turns green...gridlock be damned

Sorry, I'm just a little bitter that it took me an hour to move a half mile in New Brunswick this afternoon
that thread has been done already, thankyouverymuch
At least you fuckers have "alternate routes".