Gollum wasn't a 100% computer animated character? That was actually a guy?
Holy shit.
I actually haven't even see the movie. But I've seen clips and that thing they did on the MTV movie awards.
I am just baffled that was a person.
Some Sci-Fi afficionado (read: loser virgin) please explain to me what the deal is. I think someone is pulling my leg.
I can clear this whole thing up but I won't.
^^^^^^^^^^ - Some Sci-Fi afficionado (read: loser virgin)
ARe your various colored pocket protectors set to match your outfits, or merely days of the week?
which character are you going to go dressed as to the theatre?
He's a Sam Wise for sure.
i have no idea what any of you are talking about (read: i have a life outside of a message board, no really, i do)
Geez what good a ole fashioned roast this turned out to be.
now lets do the thing where we rhyme his name with mean terms
Actually the "bonus" tracks on the LOTR 2 DVD has the answer. It's basically all cgi but they have some dude hopping around in a blue suit and sensors or something or other all over him in the Gollum scenes.
What kind of creature is seven of nine?