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The day I leave jack in charge is the day suzie starts a thread where a shameful event from her past can be re-hashed and then act completely surprised and disgusted when it becomes the focal point of the thread.
so Jack really was in charge this whole time? I feel so used.
I leave you in charge and I end up de-admin'd.

what the fuck kinda leader are you captain sissy pants?
hey, the "real" leader did that - not me.
Quote:hey, the "real" leader did that - not me.

<------------------------------- :18:
yeah! It was Jays all along - SHALOIN 4 LIFE!!!!!!!
Speaking of Shaolin, I saw Method Man the other day in Sears. It was kinda hard to miss a tall black man wearing a fur coat carry a cardboard box with a stereo inside.
in the Staten Island Mall? That happens every day, dude.
but it was Method Man this time!
did you get an autograph?
I was scared of him.
I woulda gotten a John Hancock AND a pic from his cam-phone ('cause you know he'd got one of those)
Method Man is the coolest human being on earth, which is more than I can say for the cosby sweater wearer guy.
I haven't worn a sweater since that night - I hope you're fuckin' happy!
I bet you're eatin a puddin pop right now.
nope - but I had some pudding earlier.
Well at your advanced age it is to be expected, did you take a nap after such a trying experience as lifting a spoon?
from what I gather, Gonzo was able to say the following and have every aspect of the quotation apply.

Quote:Rob, I'm telling you this for your own good, that's the worst fuckin' sweater I've ever seen, that's a Cosby sweater.
[Imitating Cosby]
A Cosssssssby sweater!
damn dude, that's fuckin' close to what was actually said!!

Quote:Well at your advanced age it is to be expected, did you take a nap after such a trying experience as lifting a spoon?

I see you didn't find the funney while you were away...
Ofcourse I didn't find the funny while I was away, I couldn't possibly be funnier than I already am.
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