I have come to a conclusion long ago that no matter how good or enjoyable a show or movie is, there is always one person who ruins it.
There's always that one actor/actress/character that just annoys to no end.
Name me almost any movie or TV show and such a person exists.
I remembered who it was on SBTB and it was fuckin Elizabeth Berkley, god I couldn't stand her. She is just annoying, her character is annoying, her voice is annoying and most of all her fuckin face is annoying.
Other than that it sure did bring back memories of saturday mornings watching NBC at 11:30 a.m for the new SBTB episode with my bowl of cap'n crunch.
i appreciate elizabeth berkley more now then i did in the past
I can't stand her, leah remini though, i'd sell you all down the river for her.
i still don't think she was hot in those episodes
Cause you're a stupid head
The only 2 possible answers for this are Tori and Miss Bliss. Thank god neither one lasted that long on the show.
she really wasn't hot back then though
here's how I would rank the characters in terms of likability and how much they added to the show
1) Zack - the obvious choice. His amazing scams were the backbone of sbtb
2) Screech - Although he got progressively more annoying, his middle years with his robot were amazing.
3) Mr. Belding - Firm yet well-meaning, his goofy side was a treat.
4) MYLO - Brought a much needed urban flavor to sbtb that Lisa never was able to do.
5) Slater - Not as defined as Zack or Screech, he still had his moments.
6) Kelly - Hot
7) Jessie - Her caffiene pill breakdown was an amazing moment, despite her annoyingly monotonous "pig" insults to Slater
8) Lisa - She was a stuck-up bitch, but at least she took Screech to the prom, which was her finest moment.
9) Nikki - She was Jessie before Jessie, and a lot more annoying
10) Mikey - Very disposable sidekick to Zack. Slater made him look like a chump
11) Miss Bliss's Art Teacher Freind - Annoying, but also disposable and probably the least significant main cast member.
12) Miss Bliss - If she didn't constantly laugh at her own lame attempts at humor, she might have been more likable, but seriously, I'm so glad they dropped her.
13) Tori - I don't think I need to explain this one.
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I agree with sleepers list but move Jessie to the last spot and move everyone else up a notch.
And I would never rate lisa behind jessie, it's insanity.
that black guy in jail with Edward Norton almost killed American History X.
God, I hated him "a-ight!"
I can't believe you wrote that list.
do you honestly not believe i would do that?
you can tell this list has been growing in his head for weeks waiting for a reason to come out
you sure you can speak for black laz's cock? i believe its spoken for by someone else
I don't believe the list or the cock.
actually I made that list on the spot.
that list has been in the box along with the candlestick for at least a month and a half