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Doogie Howser. This one can be done in 2 degrees.
He was in that sci-fi movie with the guy who played Kelly's boyfriend.
starship troopers
yeah, right. That movie. Wasn't that guy the evil boyfriend that worked at the Maxx and was trying to steal Kelly away?
Bruce Campbell was in From Dusk Till Dawn 2 with Tiffani (Amber) Theissen

Hulk Hogan
hogan was in rocky III with sly stallone
stallone was in copland with harvey kitel
kitel was in pulp fiction with travolta
travolta was in domestic disturbance with vince vaughn
vaughn was in made with screech
You lose points for not using Mr. Nanny.
And you didn't give me a new one to do.
lenny bruce
Galt Wrote:He was in that sci-fi movie with the guy who played Kelly's boyfriend.
Denise Richards, who was in one of the Malibu Sands episodes was also in that movie.
was I right about the first one? I guess I should have put a question mark after that because I wasn't sure.
yes, you could have done it both ways!
This game is too hard.
it would probably be easier if I had actually watched the show.
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