Full Version: I'm gonna take a nap.
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Somebody wake me up at 7:14. I'll have my AIM on, joshrobotv5 is the SN.

Can't promise anything, but I'll try.
I'm gonna' wake him up now!

He didn't answer.

What a heavy sleeper...
you dirty fucks. I ask for ur help on one thing and what do i get? alkey waking me up 30 minutes early.
You're welcome!
That's it. I'm gonna IM Steven Baldwin and have him fuck your lady.
Heavens to Betsy!
JoShRoBoT v 5: yo mike
StevenBaldwin: hello josh
JoShRoBoT v 5: I need your help real quick
StevenBaldwin: make it quick cuz im getting picked up in bout a few min
JoShRoBoT v 5: I need you to pretend that you are Steven Baldwin , and all you have to do is agree to fucking this girl named Silera
JoShRoBoT v 5: ready? go
JoShRoBoT v 5: yo steve
StevenBaldwin: yo
JoShRoBoT v 5: whats up dude? hows that movie goin?
StevenBaldwin: it ok i really dont liek the food
JoShRoBoT v 5: sorry to hear that, but i got a proposition for you
StevenBaldwin: whats that
JoShRoBoT v 5: let me give you silera's address, and go over there and fuck her for me, k?
JoShRoBoT v 5: i know you want to
StevenBaldwin: yea sure i'll fuck that
JoShRoBoT v 5: k, cool, let me e-mail it over to ya
StevenBaldwin: sure
JoShRoBoT v 5: ok, we're done, that's all i need
StevenBaldwin: k
StevenBaldwin: why did i have too do that?
JoShRoBoT v 5: first rule of project mayhem is you do not ask questions

The deal is done, buddy.
You need an editor.
now you're just stealing lines from Sir O. My, how the mighty have fallen.
I'll be back.