Full Version: Fun with skateboards.
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He totally whaled that guy in the head!!!

I can barely breathe I'm laughing so hard!
I don't understand how everyone else just stood there and didn't beat the shit out of that kid.
At first I thought he was gonna be a puss, but then he did it! And not with the board side, but straight up-side the dude's head with the trucks! IN-FUCKING-SANE

Nice find.
he should've just lunged at the guy, he could've avoided getting hit in the head 3 times.

I also never heard someone getting hit in the head with a skateboard before, it's pretty fucking cool!
My WMP won't play it. :-(
Right-click, save as. I had the same problem.
Worked in WinAMP, I want to find that kid and beat the living shit out of him.
Which board gathering was that footage from and which one was Hybrid?
Hybrid had the $40,000 car.
In that situation: $40 skateboard > $40,000 car.
hybrids got a pimped out stang
thats from a steve-o dvd that i have. they called that guy the "south padre gangster"
Has he been brutaly murdered yet?

Cause he should be.
steve-o or the south padre gangster?
The latter.
(Latter means the second of the two you mentioned.)
i know that...and i dont know because they only met him there and dont keep up with him apparently. i would imagine that he has either been arrested or badly beaten within the past 2 years though
I figured you knew. Just wanted to be a dick.
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