Full Version: What Did You Get For Christmas?
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and i don't like that you jump on me for one mistyped word when your posts are often filled with spelling and grammar errors :21:
the czech is in the male :rofl:
are you sure you don't do drugs?
Some dvd's
Some games
An eyetoy
New timbs
the gray and white retro 12s
Some hats
Richardson rewind swingman
and about 250 bucks in cash
can we have video of you using the eyetoy? please?
I'm trading it in tomorrow for money so no
Quote:New timbs
you so gangsta wit yo eyetoy
I didn't want the damn thing, my aunt thought I'd like it and bought it
i wasnt making fun of your eyetoy, you wigger.
I was too lazy to type out Timberlands, are you happy now?
What in godsname is an eyetoy?
wtf is an eyetoy?
It's this little camera thing that hooks up to the ps2
its a little camera that plugs into the ps2 athat has some games where you swing your arms around like an idiot swatting at thingsa around you on your tv. its retarded but kinda fun.
that doesn't really explain what it's used for
oh ok, qs > lg
I spent all of 2 seconds looking at the box before chucking it aside so all I saw was that it looked like a webcam for the ps2
I got a t-shirt with a deer on it.
All I need now is a can of Skoal and I'll be right where I wished I'd be when I was 7.
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