by Mavric and Fofo. Is this true?
If it is it is the saddest fall from grace since the greek empire, I would like to see it.
i think we need the inside info from dig
DIG is on wackbag too?
whoa, they must be the "in" site now.
poor Arpi
The Sleeper Wrote:by Mavric and Fofo. Is this true?
Mavric & Fofo are on YMB?
wow YMB's fall from grace is sadder than when arpi posted and was run off of wackbag but really wasn't, then the greek empire.
Did Bland get run off also?
I'm pretty sure Mavric and FoFo are Admins at YMB.
i don't know who they are, but i assume they'd be funnier then moosen and the brain
oh yea that's who I meant. I always get Fofo and The Brain mixed up.
Nobody ran him off.
He left.
I wish he would come back here :29:
I'll ask him to when he arrives at my New Years Party aka the party of the century
did he request to have himself deleted from both sites yet?? that's #2 on the Martyr-To-Do list.
is this why the golden age is so golden? you remember things the way you want too?