Full Version: Fantasy Messageboard > Fantasy Football!!!!
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Pages: 1 2
Oh yeah when someone else asks you to do something you jump!!!
I still can't find these fucking poll things. They used to be in the profiles, no?
GonzoStyle Wrote:Oh yeah when someone else asks you to do something you jump!!!
Did you uh... catch the maybe part?
I didn't even get a maybe, all I got was a "I am too tired and busy".
He was breathing, that takes alot of energy with his zoftic figure.
There is no polls only zuul.
Imagine this twinkie represents the message board...
ghostbusters references are comedy gold
diceisgod Wrote:I still can't find these fucking poll things. They used to be in the profiles, no?
yes. They were in the profiles before.
oh, it's working again
Oh there they are and just as dumb as before.

Edited By diceisgod on 1072978670
I'm voting certain people 10 and certain people 1, but you'll never know which! hahahahahaha!
Pages: 1 2