Full Version: Gonzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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love me!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sexually propositioning board members never leads to anything good.
he has been pointedly ignoring me and it hurts.
was this thread posted last year too?
i post it every 6 months. its the cycle of love between me and the gonzmeister.
this thread sucks!!!
that was great how you used his own line against him. the old switcheroo!
I showed him up so bad, I bet he's in tears as we type.
We should turn this into a Gonzo appreciation thread.

I appreciate Gonzo because ____
he's not jack
Thats a good start.

What else you got?
that's all we need.
Ok, he finally logged out. You can tell your real feelings now.
I appreciate Gonzo because he puts up with my shit and still lets me be an admin.
Jack, you should seriously consider letting someone else come up with your statuses.
That status is older than your membership here.
It's lack of entertainment value is also just as old.
I appreciate Gonzo because he will support me in my attempt to undermine Jack's authority in a reto-froy-esque manner.
I will?
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