Full Version: Clifford - who here has seen this fine film?
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If I had to make list of celebrities I wish were dead; he'd be on it.
Midnight run was awesome.
as were the muppet movies
Well I think you all know my stance on who is my favorite muppet.
Evil Bert.
that eagle guy?
ooooooh, sweedish chef!
i loved those two old guys who used to heckle the muppets from the audience, but i can't remember their names.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i loved those two old guys who used to heckle the muppets from the audience, but i can't remember their names.
Statler and Waldorf

yes they were the best
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rizzo was the bestest
i think dig and galt should change their names to statler and waldorf on YMB accordingly.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i think dig and galt should change their names to statler and waldorf on YMB accordingly.
you haven't looked at their statuses it has been there for a while
that is brilliant!
ooh you sillies.
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