Full Version: GOATWEED IS RED?!?!?!
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when did this happen?!?!? the world has gone crazy!!!!!!
what do you mean?
Jealousy rears it's bald head.
i would never want to be an admin. who gave him this power? i demand answers!!!
I did, now pack up your guitar case and get it together grouch.
wait, don't close the case - I've got some spare change.
this is a disgrace!!! i demand a recount!! i demand a new phone vote!! i demand some more demands!!!
I can make you pink, would that help?
Hoons pleas for a new status take priority over any demands you have to make.
I guess the Santana one wasn't enough?
it's all a communist conspiracy
Does it really matter in this place? Do you think that's air that your breathing?
oh how the mighty have fallen
Indeed you have.
They're all suppose to be purple.
I have stage 3 acne on the base of my penis.
The least you could do is give me a humorus status albeit at my own expense.
then i'd have to consider arpi's demands, sorry.