Full Version: Board Awards 2004 (Award #4) - Poster Of The Year
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Quote:in soviet russia, joke blows you!

that happens to me in America
In Soviet Russia, comeback makes you!
In Soviet Russia, funny was the joke.

In former Soviet Union, not so much.
guess it's a tie but the voting is open till monday
Joobies could still make it big time tie. I fear that Sleeper may be contacting people directly to affect the voting, though. That vexes me.
He totally is.

He jumped from 3 to 6 real quick.

I've still got the spic in my pocket.
for the record I have not contacted anyone, and joobies already voted (i assume for me). so there.
yea i think she did
Yeah, "she" did.
someone other than me voted for me. YAY!!!

i voted for sleeper, i think it got the ball rolling
there has to be one or two more people who can break this tie.

or like I said before, if galt agrees to it we will both give sleeper our votes and declare him winner, we both know he deserves it.
I am reserving my vote until the final moments so that this vote may end in gripping climactic style.

Any suggestions for the soundtrack are welcomed.
i have cast the deciding vote to put the man over the top. crown him the victor.
Excellent twist in the story line.

I woulda put money on this one being ran away with by either ARPI or Gonzo
Galt wins!!

I hate you.
You held out too long, tease.
Silera! quick! make it a tie again!
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