Full Version: Board Awards 2004 (#5) - Biggest Fall From Grace
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IrishAlkey Wrote:I want my contract extended through 2009.
Quote:I want my contract extended through 2009.

You're next in line behind our webhost.
but i'm your shortstop!!!
If you think about it, the shortstop is a superfluous position. There are four bases with a man on each. How do you logically justify the shortstop? Sure, there's the whole thing about the hole on the other side of second if there's no shortstop, but I say DEAL WITH IT!!! What's next? You gonna have mid-fielders?
wow you're right!
Don't patronize me.
Congratulations on sucking, Arp.
coming from a deformed freak with no medical insurance and no money, i take that as a compliment.
arpi makes money!!
In Arpi's mind he makes so much more than everyone, and that makes him accomplished. Kudos to your imagination!
shut up galt, he has insurance!!!!!
Yes, the true measure of any man is how much his body and possessions are protected in case anything happens to them.
whatever loser, he makes crazy dollars!!!!
So does Kate Hudson.
I'm totally less clotted now thanks to Cigna Healthcare.

And who said I'm broke, you Grease throwback queer!
cause you never post about how much money you make at every turn, hence you must not make any or have a good job.

what do you do anyway? I bet its not as cool as arpi's gig.
I fix those money giver outter machines, silly!

Every time Arpi makes a withdrawel from his mountainous checking account, he should be thanking me.
IrishAlkey Wrote:I fix those money giver outter machines, silly!
thats the funniest thing I ever heard, lololol!!!
In Soviet Russia, ATM takes out money from you!
the Soviet Russia thing is getting really annoying

please try and find a new gimmick
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