Full Version: The newest addition to my DVD collection...
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I'm going home, gimme back my doughnuts!!!!!
But you're on reserve should Quickstop not show up!!!
Can I come? I'll bring pizza!
If you let keyser come over I will do something awful!!!
To Jiboo? :-(

Unlike my dog I won't stop choking no matter how cute his wittle puppy eyes are and how hard his puppy paws struggle.
Take your doughnuts and stuff 'em, pal!
I believe that's my soda as well!!!!

Take 'em.
here jiboo :kiss kiss:
so, should i pick up square slices at spumoni or what? i can get some sodie pop along the way since gonzo isn't coming.
I know people at spumoni, i'll have them make some up extra special for you.
Keyser and Quickie can come over this time.

And Gonzo can come over when the 42" plasma shows up!!!
jiboo c'mere girl!!
No tongue.
make sure she controls her bodily fluids this time as well.
She was outdoors!
she was outdoors for a while before I came up to her, once I did she started leaking fluid like a 78 pontiac.
She liked ya. What can I say?
I thought she was a he until now, I was only calling it a she cause I was planning on castrating it.
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