Full Version: I was returning a library book today
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Yesterday morning, I had rushed to pack my bags for my return to my apartment in Buffalo. In my rush, I placed my porno dvd's in the front pocket of my laptop bag.

Unbeknownst to be, because I was stoned at the time, I had a library book in there.

So, today, I go to the library to return some other books. The one in the front pocket was taken out from another campus library. As I returned my books, I inquired if I could return a book from another library, and they said sure, so I reached into my pocket and took out the book.

As I handed it to her, a dvd disc was stuck inside the pages of the book, facing down. I immediatly grabbed the disc, and put it in my bag. None of us saw which cd it was.

When I got home, I checked. It was my "Black Girls Caught From Behind" disc. I'm glad that they never knew.

I've removed all porno discs from my school bags and such.
I DIDN'T READ THIS!!!!! Ah aha h hHAhaha HAa ha hh
Son of a bitch. You get my hopes up..
I didn't read your reply!!!!!!

This is fun!
I guess.
Now, I've read the initial posts and all of your replies.
I lost my library card over 10 years ago - and haven't stepped foot in once since (except for the CSI library, but that doesn't count since it wasn't a piblic library - and it sucked balls).
i actually read this post. you should have lied and said everyone saw the porn.
That's not lying. This is lying.

Quote:As I handed it to her, a dvd disc was stuck inside the pages of the book, facing down. I immediatly grabbed the disc, and put it in my bag. None of us saw which cd it was.
jays has jungle fever
if the library had porn, I'd probably reapply for a card.
I still haven't returned my "curious george goes to the zoo" book that I got on a field trip to the library when I was in the 2nd grade.
theyr'e gonna come after you for the late fees - librarians never forget.
20 years at 5 cents a day...

we better get crackin on them t-shirts.
$ 841.67
way to deprive a kid of entering the wonderful world of curious george.
Quote:I still haven't returned my "curious george goes to the zoo" book that I got on a field trip to the library when I was in the 2nd grade.

I'd say that was the best one of the series.
detective bookman is going to get you. you probably drew peepees and weewees all over poor george
the greatest book i ever borrowed from the library was GOOD TIMES, i never returned it, i still have it. it fucking rules!
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