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Has anyone attempted this yet?

I hear you can do all sort of cool things.

Vastly increasing the size of your TiVo's hard drive, accessing the backdoor remote control codes, full detail on how, when, and why to use over 35 backdoor codes, adding on-screen sports scores, stock tickers and more starting and stopping installed hacks with your remote control
hacking into the TiVo operating system, connect your TiVo to the Internet, but also allow you to take control of your TiVo remotely via the Web once that connection exists. Hook your TiVo into online instant messaging services like ICQ or Instant Messenger; link it to your Caller ID; display your own photos onscreen; or insert footage from your camcorder into your TiVo.
My Tivo made me brownies last night.

They were so kick ass.

and i tried hooking up my tivo after 4 months of nonuse, here at school, and apparently it does not want to work.
My Tivo IMed today just to let me know it loved me.

So sweet.
I hope to someday have my Tivo bear my children.
I have never seen a Tivo
its the greatest invention of the last 20 years
My Tivo gave me a massage today. And yes, it gave me a happy ending also.
My Tivo ran to find help when I fell down the well that one time.
I also have never seen a tivo, which explains the empty void in my life.
I've seen one, but never touched or used one - I hear I'm missing out.
i just use a vcr
I should buy the stock because everyone is in love with it.
I heard today that the new playstation console the PSX will not only have the PS2 features but also dvd recording and TIVO, is this true?
They're still up in the air with what they'll include at launch of the PSX. I heard they cut out the DVD recorder and will have it as an after market feature. That suckers going to be in the $500-600 range. A bit steep if you ask me.
there was some stuff about makers of tivo defending their patent against all the new dvr's coming out, so if they ever win that and sony includes it like they say they've been going to it in theirs it might drive the price up, unless they already accounted for that and have some sort of deal with tivo
I got my Tivo for $99 thanks to Weird's post. With the hack info, I can upgrade the harddrive to store even more shows. You'd be a sucker to spend $5-600 just to combine your PS2 and DVR together.

I'd suggest getting Tivo off eBay and hack it to add a bigger drive or pay someone to add a bigger drive to it for you.