Full Version: Another Cinematic Masterpiece - that all of you should view!
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Class Act, starring Kid N Play.

maybe one of the finest films ever made.

Doug E. Doug steals the show in this movie, with his incredible humor and acting style.

Blade Brown and Duncan Pinderhughes 4 LIFE!
So do I be fly on the plane?

Depends on what you wearin'...

That's stupid.


Did you hear me? I said that's stupid.

And I said thanks...
this movie is pretty goddamn funny - and a nice break from the "House Party" series as well.
when I read wbk's post, I was gonna IM alkey but he already saw it.

Alkey and I have on many occasions discussed the greatness of class act.
do they do the kid and play dance? the knees in the chest flava flav-esque thing?
and the shoe kick!!
I am watching it right now, soooo mint!!
fuck - VHS only!!! :fuckoff:
its not out on dvd Sad
isn't there a petition we can sign somewhere? what the fuck!!
we can start one!
we should, 'cause this just isn't right.

House Part 2 is on DVD, yet Class Act isn't!!!!!!!!
lets do it!
I may watch it again tomorow.
hell yeah!
We're 2 signatures closer to having this on DVD.
i signed it. awesome
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