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seems to be confusing people

It is done as if Hitler had drawn it as a child.

hence the title he gave the bologna is "Non-Kosher Meat"

and the bottom is him sigining his masterpiece

Adolf, 6 years old

Vienna, he lived in austria (though granted not in vienna but it would have been too complicated if I listed "Litz" atleast most people know where vienna is)

1895 is when he would have been 6.

Did he have that moostash at 6 yrs old?
That's deep stuff. Thanks for the clarification.
Danked Wrote:Did he have that moostash at 6 yrs old?
he had vision of a greater world
He spoke English when he was a kid, but forget by the time he was an adult?
i still dont get it
the germans spoke english in schindlers list and almost every other nazi movie, don't get picky it's artistic freedom.

I translated it!
its a wonder how a failed artist just got really mad and tried to take over the world
PatCooper Wrote:i still dont get it

He's non-kosher!!

It's a fuckin nazi bologna, laugh!!
thank god they had mspaint then.
Gooch Wrote:thank god they had mspaint then.
when didn't people have MSpaint?
what exactly motivated you to make such a masterpiece may I ask?
I was hungry
you need to plan something fantastic for your 20,000 post

and not a NES shrine like sleeper did for his 10000

that was so disapointing
I shall say "bye"
I don't think a 6 yearl old would realize just how big the world was at that time, to realize the significance of documenting where he was at the time of the painting.

And I don't think he came up with the swastika until much later in life.
It's not meant to be literal, it was just a funny sig... jeez!!

He didn't invent the swaztika by the way, it had been around long before him. It was allegedly the shadow of the earth on a certain axis. He also didn't invent anti-semitism.

And a genius such as he at 6 had the vision!!
why are the "2" and the "7" yellow in my sig?
what 2 and 7?
the only 2 and 7 in the sig.
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