Tonight Bush tries to work his magic again and convince us he has been doing an amazing job while in office. He might even tell us that the Iraq war was a success and why we need to spend more billions there cause iraqis need indoor plumbing, heat and more peanut butter. Then everyone will love him for a while again.. or not.
I bet jays is gonna masturbate during the speech.
it will be another propaganda speech filled with lies
I am gonna watch in hopes of hearing some more bushisms
if anything maybe he'll say nukeyer
Arpikarhu Wrote:it will be another propaganda speech filled with lies
How dare you call the greatest president since Ronald Regan a Liar!!!
We need to go back to the days of Clinton when we all had faith in everything our president was saying.
I predict he will say that everyone got a tax cut and the rich and poor benefited equally even though during the President's term the number of jobs in this country has actually declined by over 2 million. The poor have gotten poorer.
I also predict he will say Iraq had something to do with 9/11 and ignore that he said in his last state of the union Iraq had WMD.
he will outline how he is going to beat the pants off the democratic nominee whoever the noname will be.
then he will continue to kick asses
For the most part, the president can't affect the economy, except for the worse.
The stock market died, companies lost billions of equity, they had to cut back. That has NOTHING to do with who was president. Adam Smith could have been president, and the economy still would have tanked and companies would have had to cut back.
There's a line. Don't cross it.
he was a big fag. adam smith couldnt carry keynes jock!
Galt has a good point. However, the president can influence the fed to lower and raise interest rates which have a signifigant impact on the economy. The stock market going into a bear market was cyclical just like it always has been, there were some outside influences such as the dot com bubble bursting, terrorism, and corporate accounting scandals.
Ayn Rand was a definite slut.
Keynes? Surely, you must be kidding. Every Macro class I've taken (well, both of them) they treat Keynes and Smith like Goofus and Gallant, respectively.
Fed Funds rate is at the lowest it's been in 45 years. Not much more can be done to artificially spur the economy. When it's already esentially interest-free to borrow money, you can't do much more.
The president infleunces the ecomony because the people's sense of trust and security in their country resides with their opinion of the president. So it has a bearing on their spending, investing, etc.
Galt Wrote:Ayn Rand was a definite slut.
Keynes? Surely, you must be kidding. Every Macro class I've taken (well, both of them) they treat Keynes and Smith like Goofus and Gallant, respectively.
i know but we were arguing about smith. i had to say something.
The president influences consumers, and dumb ones at that. The economy is run by enterprise, and they're smart enough to realize that the president's effect on the economy is negligable unless it's to put up an impediment.
which page of your text book is that from? you must worship that professor.