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does anyone still watch?

I havent watched in like 8 months.

I watched for a couple minutes yesterday and stone cold was calling out Foley for some reason, the rumble is this sunday I heard. I always liked the 30 man rumble match so I may watch.

They had stone cold come out in some souped up scooter, it was sad.
i haven't watched regularly since back in May. watched a couple of PPV's once in a while, but really b/c we have company over, etc. prob will do the same this sunday.
last time i watched, george the animal steele was eating turnbuckles. grow up faggots!!!
I actually watched it a little the other day and then realized how retarded it was and changed the channel.
Keyser Soze Wrote:last time i watched, george the animal steele was eating turnbuckles. grow up faggots!!!
Go do make sex with your woman at the mount airy lodge.
do they still have those champange glass tubs?
Keyser Soze Wrote:do they still have those champange glass tubs?
yes, and they look even cheesier in person..
the answer to the question is: losers.
Not since Wrestlemania last year.
so much for bringing back the wrestling forum.
Wrestling is about as popular as snap braclets.
Those were awesome back in the day.
Thus, the comparsion
I'm gonna watch the rumble sunday and make an assessment.
me too! The Rumble is usually pretty entertaining.
It usually is one of the better PPV's they have during the year.
i watch raw mostly. And not the entire show. i know it's HHH vs. Michaels in a last man standing match at the Rumble. I Don't really watch the ppv's any more cause i dont have a hot box.
Hands off the merchandise!!