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For my domain name. I've got all this web space but I want a domain name to go with it.

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These are my last resort ones. I just can't think of anything cool. I was thinking that since my name was Jeremy and my nick name was Ron that I could be but that's taken I'm sure so I was gonna go with but that's just another one of my screennames with a dot com after it, and I don't plan on being at GT forever. Anyone out there have any ideas for a domain I could use? is taken, but for 50 bucks can be all yours
will there be a purpose to this site? cause that kinda helps in picking a name.
It's gonna be a personal site. It'll probably have like a blog of some form or another. I'll put up my sigs somewhere, and also the wallpapers I've made as well as anything else I make that's fit for putting out there.
how about you use a name that won't be stupid in 20 years.
diceisgod Wrote:www.<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>...</span>.com
am i also going to have to purchase a domain name to take advantage of all this web space that i have recently acquired?
I think that is the catch.
You could also sell that space to someone else who has a site. $30 a month for three years?

Maybe half price? Maybe 75% off with all the money up front?
oh my god, what a great idea. you are a genious, i bow down to you. pure brilliance
genius, jackass.
you don't have to buy a domain name
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wow...bringing back the old school there eh Jack?