Full Version: Star-Child? - A Mystery... interesting
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Quote:A fabulous bird, reborn from the ashes of its earlier life.

A new member, with a status already without having posted.

A very strange status. What does it mean?

They post that they come in peace, and highlight it with an exclamation point.

Which mod let them through? Questions, questions. Nothing malevolent or anything, just something to kill the time.

HedCold, you shall be Watson to my Sherlock Holmes. Come, Watson! I want you!
i must poop first
But there are no clues in your poop!!
I come to help, not to hurt.

I have sensed great anger from beyond the infinite, do not be afraid.
If you were only going to play five notes, why those five?
I come to bring you something...
Another clue.

They have posted their signature in the avatar thread. So, obviously, they don't understand rules well. That narrows it down.
I think it's Slash reborn.
I have narrowed down the choices of those who let him.

Sleeper, Danked, Jack, Goatweed, Keyser. If it is SLASH, then <s>Keyser</s>.

I am inclined to remove Sleeper and Danked from the list. I am also inclined to say that Goatweed let him in.
More important that who I am, is what I come to bring...
You bring Alcohol?
Scores 30 with 3 votes

Highly suspicious now. Why vote 10 out of 10 for someone who is new? And who is online that would do such a thing?
Quote:1 guests, 11 Public Members and 0 Anonymous Members [ View Complete List ]
[Administrator][Assistant Administrator][Moderator] [Member]
>The Jays >Galt >Black Lazerus >Jack >Silera >Star-Child >Austin >Kid Afrika >HedCold >The Sleeper >2 tired 2 give N F

I voted 10 in hopes that he/she bring me alcohol.
And they voted for themselves, but what about the third 10?
Welcome back Gonzo
that was a good poop
Jack Wrote:You bring Alcohol?

I come to bring, something wonderful.
My first instinct was that it was Gonzo. But then I question. Why would he start a new account, as a member, instead of just continuing to post? And why such a whack name?

And Jack has intimated to me that the ip's do not match anyone, but, then again, can I trust Jack?
he didn't bring proper comma use :17:
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