Full Version: This really deserves its own thread
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Yeah, look how cool his helmet is!

It has a computer screen built right into the face guard!

you bastard!
Yeah, well it's reflecting off his helmet; it's a light.
The answer is contained in this thread
Galt Wrote:Yeah, well it's reflecting off his helmet; it's a light.
Do you mean to say that light cannot reflect off of multiple surfaces?
This is turning into a science project.
Speaking of which, I think I'll need to take a papschmear(sp?) from Arelis.
I feel like I'm hurdling towards Mars.
Good thing you've got your helmet.
that was funny but my Wilson comment wasn't????????
Timing is the first rule of comedy.
like you would know
I demand a better DIG picture.
i liked the mr wilson comment

Pap smear. You're thinking of Mr. Papshmir, from the Naked Gun.
I think the idea of a pussy culture was conveyed, nonetheless.
But you did learn of the incorrect pronounciation of pap smear from the movie, did you not?
i want to know what type of motor bike he has.
You've all obviously missed the fact that he lives in his parent's basement.
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