Full Version: I'm gonna stop...
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Pages: 1 2
haha mad :21:
i will get you a newer, sexier toilet if you stop this madness
Hold out for a crocheted toilet seat cover, Sleeper!

Don't give in so easily.
what is your fetish?
I love, wait I forgot what I was saying.

Anyway, this is cool. I didn't know Sleeper thought so. Hard.
the sexy toilet has been ordered. stop your reign of madness!
i'd like to see some pictures of this sexy toilet.
that would be like asking sleeper for naked pics of his mom.
I've peed in that toilet.
Did you sprinkle when you tinkled?
i peed in that toilet too. does this mean sleeper's not a virgin?
I don't get it
sleeper thinks of people defecating and urinating into his toilet while he masturbates on it. trish, you just provided him with more spank material.
star child
its gonzo!!!!
Pages: 1 2