Full Version: a birthday tribute to our silent warrior
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happy b-day OAS! i hope that you are safe in whatever third world country you are presently clandestinly infiltrating in your eternal quest to make the world safe for democracy. this american salutes you!
he's old
That is pretty old. He might be dead.
Hope he killed a bunch of those towel head sand niggers first.
I bet he's hitting on a third-world whore right now.
he is probably knee deep in the shit , a machine gun in both hands and a grenade between his teeth!
Mad Wrote:Hope he killed a bunch of those towel head sand niggers first.
Arpikarhu Wrote:he is probably knee deep in the shit , a machine gun in both hands and a grenade between his teeth!
One can only hope it goes off...
mass poster
he makes a good point, however.
...not mass posting.
I sincerely hope he's dead
that's not very nice
but true nonetheless.
i don't believe my parents are 5 years older than capn crunch
my parents are older than your parents
he's probrobly got some 5 dollar whore spread eagle in a hanoi hilton right now.