Full Version: So what's going to happen - 1n 24 hours
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ok now i see what's going on here. she's pretending to be all virginal. so you will want more from her. meanwhile back at the sorority house all her sisters are laughing & teasing saying she will never be able to keep up the charade.
If we were playing charades, I'd be touching my nose right now
After that night in the sorority I think the only thing you'll be touching is your pecker when you go home.
this is all so bogus. how can you people believe this tripe for even one minute? if i wasnt bound by the mod code of ethics, i would put him in the cell.
code of ethics? what?
read your cdih mod handbook. page 47.
oh. any idea what i did with that? it's gotta be around here somewhere
you didnt lose it did you?!?!?! that could be catastrophic if it fell into non-mod hands.
oh shit
You'll be able to fly but not land.
you had better find that and RIGHT NOW!!
Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha ha.

Found it!
crap! of all people to find it! crx, you really fucked up now
what are you going to do to me?
who was the person who originally suggested this trading accounts idea like 3 years ago?
nobody's traded accounts. what are you going on about?
crx girl Wrote:what are you going to do to me?
spank you, spank you hard.
The Sleeper Wrote:who was the person who originally suggested this trading accounts idea like 3 years ago?
yea, you guys are using an idea KID AFRIKA thought of. have fun!
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