the mary jane cigarettes. just so you know. hee.
I burned a whole in my nasal passages from all the sweet delicious cocaine I snort.
a guy i work with at subway did the same thing. he reminds me of you. hes around 40 and rides a scooter
thats why you have to stay with the natural goodness of the herb. i smoke my body weight each and every day
My nose is constantly running. It's disgusting.
i would give up the herb if i could just get out of bed
watching all of this is surreal.
the guy i work with constantly goes into coughing fits, and tells me at least twice a day, "yeah thats what happens when you abuse cocaine the way i did"
i bet arpi is just as disgusting
I've had to auction off half off my Pez collection just to afford all the tissues I go through in a day.
hes also diabetic and is missing a few toes.
I'm just missing one toe.
see?the only thing bad that has happened to me from pot is my complete lack of motivation and my unstoppable girl-like giggle
Don't forget to mention that gut, tubby!
oh yeah. my love factory i like to call it.
Arpi thinks he has a really big nose. You can tell in his MS Paint of himself. What a horrible self image he has.
I'm glad you guys realized how much you sucked at being yourselves.
Now I remember why I like alkey, once.
I probably would have caught on quicker to this bit if I didn't have avatars and sigs turned off.
Arpikarhu Wrote:thats why you have to stay with the natural goodness of the herb. i smoke my body weight each and every day
if i did that i'd now be either down to 15 or up to 300 lbs. thankfully i'm somewhere in the middle and also high