Full Version: Where I have been...
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you're doing very well.
I'm beating Keyser.
I've yet to vote.

Show the tits.
don't speak, it's obviously confusing you.
Splatterpunk Wrote:I got another point.
But you've yet to make one.
You're withholding your love, Gonzo.
He's a tough nut to crack.
Congratulations, Alkey! 5000 posts, woo hooo!!
I want to rate certain people but I can't figure it out. This may be because all of my energy gets sucked into my massive, gravitational Russian tits, enabling them to remain enormous.
You're right.

I hadn't even noticed. I feel like I've been here forever.
you're russian too? what the fuck, was there a sale or something?
Ah. I have it now.
a clue?
You all seem to have forgotten the greatness that is Splatt.
I'm so pleased to hear about Alkey's dilution. Well done, Alkey. :loveya:
I'm on a heavy drug binge.
They used me and threw me away.
you wish.
She only came back to be used by me.
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