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I love Eddie!
Quote:you are a middle aged man who wears leather pants, posts on a board all day proclaiming how much better you are than people half your age in most cases and collect pez.


but you're still tainted with the whole starchild thing. i would expect it from arpi, but its beneath you.
is 37 really middle aged? bummer.
I'm only 5 years younger than you?

arpi and oas have more in common that i realized.
I dunno, I think OAS is a lot older than 37.
sorry, anyone over 30 in the eyes of youth is considered old.
I guess I should reserve my cemetery plot now.
37, 40 same difference geezer.

I promise to come by green grove and feed you apple sauce.
Keyser Soze Wrote:sorry, anyone over 30 in the eyes of youth is considered old.
you're a bit close to it to be saying that aren't ya.
He was speaking of the young, he has accepted his old age.
i know im almost 'old'
GonzoStyle Wrote:37, 40 same difference geezer.

I promise to come by green grove and feed you apple sauce.
i pray that all of the sidewalks in your neighborhood are covered in ice forever.

I'll put a little bib on you, you can be like abe vigoda in look who's talking. I'll tug at your eyebrows and wipe the applesauce off your chin with the spoon.

I'll even do airplane with you.


nah, 30 is not really old anymore. a lot of my friends are in their 30's. 40 is old though
a lot are in their 30's cause old people hang out with other old people, old person.
is that why you never wanna hang out with me anymore?
I can't stand the smell of ben-gay and arthritis jokes.
i may have arthritis but i don't use ben-gay, damnit!
ok, oas girl
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