Full Version: Since I love arpi so much...
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I hope Laz comes on here to teach us about global warming.
IrishAlkey Wrote:I hope Laz comes on here to teach us about global warming.
Confusedhakes fist:
You can't even give the knuckle pound right, poser.
spaz and laz, the splaz show.

I am tellin you, they would catch on.
GonzoStyle Wrote:i never thought i would see the day where you are like this. thin-skinned and unable to laugh at yourself.
not upset, more of an FAQ type thing.
You had to go defend your leather pants cause you were upset, admit it.

Or did I cross the line at the pez collection?
none of the above. i love the pez and i look good in the leather pants.
That's a politicians response, you dodged the question gramps.
i was not upset and you crossed no line. i am a little at a loss as to what you are trying to get at here.
I forgot.
not a man in the world looks good in leather pants.
i bet arpi looks hot in leather pants with his dustin diamond afro and ET fingers.
At least if got his nose accidentally cut off, he'd still have a nose left.
never an afro.
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