Full Version: David Chappelle - The Chappelle Show
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GonzoStyle Wrote:Chappelles best sketch in my opinion was "The Mad Real World"

A house full of ghetto negroes and one suburbian white kid, genius!!

Plus Poet from OZ was a nice touch.
Wasnt that supposed to be Real World Union City ??
you think nick cannon is funny??!??
Nick Cannon just took your school clothes, now how funny is that??!?
Ha, that was great as well.


I wanna see more paul mooney skits as well, mooney is a genius. He had to be, he was Pryors main writer for a long time.
damn it! now you gonna tell your momma that i cursed in the house? shit!
His wife is a hot little asian, he's got it made.
Silera has hung out with her. I think she's a friend of her cousin or some shit. I wasn't invited.
I bet she told her how she turned down sammy sosa and regrets it every passing day.
I regret your face.
She only stays cause you resemble derek vineyard.
Put your mouth on the curb.
If you ever came up to me and said "You just fucked with the wrong bull"

I'd suck your dick as well.
I take the 5th.
You can take the 5th, 6th and 7th.

By the way, to laz. I think his mother is the only one who calls him David Chappelle.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I wanna find an MP3 of Chappelle singin the diff'rent strokes theme but I can't Sad

someone find it!!
don't forget about the facts of life theme
yeah that was ok but the diffrent strokes theme was awesome, I was driving around today wishing I could blast it on my stereo.
it was really good. the fact os of life was only partial anyway.
the diffrent strokes theme was more of a toe tapper, the drumming ruled!!
i have the episode on my computer

anyone know how to take just the sound from it?
I bet afrika would know
people on my dc hub here are going to tell me how...

i think
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