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Let's say I have a highspeed connection: 1.5 meg down, 0.8meg up.
Now, I go to a computer show and get a PIII 450, a 20gig drive, etc. dirt cheep. Maybe $400 for the whole thing.
Then, I set it up as a pure webserver and attach it through a hub to the same highspeed connection as my PC.

If I wanted to host a twenty person chat room and file storage for sig pics, etc. on this dedicated webserver, how much bandwidth would that use and how badly would it effect my surfing from my PC?

Just hypothetical...for now.
First off - the 1.5 is not going to be anywhere near enough to host a 20 node chat
2. You paid too much for a PIII 450. I have 3 sitting in my garage that I canabalize for parts. They're worth about $200 at best depending on how much they were abused.
3. 20 Gig for sig pic and file storage is no where near enough. Go out and buy a secondary drive and connect it as a slave drive to your main drive (the master). Note: Not my terms, that's what they're called.
4. if you have 1.5 up .8 down, you're on DSL. Most DSL providers frown on networking of computers to their connection.
5. Your chats will be the equivalent of my dumps after I eat bananas or rice. Clogged up and nothing really gets out.
6. Forget about surfing with it if you're gonna use it to chat. The traffic back and forth will kill your speed to modem speed.

But this is just my opinion. If you really want to do this, here's your option:
A. Go buy a new P4 1.7 Ghtz or higher with a 60GIG drive and 1 Gb RAM. (about $2000)
B. Switch to Cable and you get 10 Megabits up and down (on a good day)
C. Forget the chats, no one wants to talk to you anyway.
First: I've bought absolutely NOTHING. Haven't built a PC from scratch in a couple of years.

Second: Just wondering what it would take to actually do something like this from home without having to pay for storage on someone elses server.

So, it requires a much bigger connection, like T1, which is expensive and hard to get connected to a private residence, and the biggest harddrive on the market to even consider doing this.
Cable is not 10 MB up and down. That's for DOCSIS 2.0 and that won't be here for a while.
and 60gigs arent the biggest hds on the market go for a 120 gig imb deathstar
Bartman Wrote:and 60gigs arent the biggest hds on the market go for a 120 gig imb deathstar
DO NOT buy the 120gb ibm drive... or if you do, at least read THIS first.

if you want to run the drive more than 333 hours each month, i suggest you find a different drive.