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i forgive you.

No more </3
IrishAlkey Wrote:No.

I would've preferred that I get bashed! That was the greatest part. Arpi should take notes.
see the difference is when she attacks you, you like it. when i attack you, you get all sullen and huffy. my way is better
Look at me sull and huff!

Sull! Sull!

Huff! Huff!

Whoa is me!
deny it all you want. i own you and we both know it.
I love when arpi says he owns people, it's like strawberry saying she won and is goin to make dinner.
I have to go get groceries so don't even bother responding!
strawberry gets more pussy than arpi does.
thats not fair, no one gets more pussy than her.
Alkey does!!!
yeah but he doesnt have to troll strip clubs and drop 5 bills each time he wants pussy.
That was one time!
plus i have seen the kind of pussy he gets. pass.
yeah that makes sense...
^ I think we have a confession.
i cant wait until o&a return and strawberry posts like a whore for attention again.
that arpi has seen alkeys destruction?
IrishAlkey Wrote:I have to go get groceries so don't even bother responding!
Arpikarhu Wrote:plus i have seen the kind of pussy he gets. pass.

All bullshit aside do you really consider yourself handsome?

Since the eighties, when has a women ever gone out with you based on your looks?
Black Lazerus Wrote:strawberry gets more pussy than arpi does.
^^^^^^ this made me chuckle
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