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that man has more pent up aggression than Travis Bickle at a Dean "victory" speech at the Iowa Caucus.
See, gooch knows movies too!!
He's got more pent up aggression than Milo when Otis refused to give him the last snausage!
Alkey is still a novice but he's improving.
i wonder when he will go on a William Foster-esk rampage.
this thread sucks..

That's for my pal Arpi.
Black Lazerus Wrote:i wonder when he will go on a William Foster-esk rampage.
who let in all this refuse?

how dare you dirty my forum. clean this up.
You get a 1 for your anonymity
Mister Grumpy Gills Wrote:who let in all this refuse?

how dare you dirty my forum. clean this up.
why go to the trouble of creating this account just use your old one.
its grumpy, isnt it?
He's too funny to be grumpy.
Buy the answer.
I hate you!
I have to make dinner!
microwaving a hot pocket is not making dinner.
I'm boiling water.

Then I will enjoy a fine bowl of boiled water.
you know you got some ramen noodles.
IrishAlkey Wrote:I'm boiling water.

Then I will enjoy a fine bowl of boiled water.
throw the hot pocket in there and you got stew.
That's vile.

I do not have ramen noodles.
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