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Well, last week I had some nice black hash from the Middle East. It was soft and malleable, and came off a key that was stamped with a gold bengal tiger. Fucking ILL. Take a li'l piece, pop it inna glass pipe, and you're good to go. Nice body high, feelin' good.

Then I got to have a nice piece of Lebanese Brown hash. This stuff is harder, you break a small piece, hold it to a flame and it crumbles into a nice dust to be sprinkled atop a bowl or into a joint. You can just put the piece in a bowl but it doesn't burn anywhere near as nice as the black.

In conclusion, I'll stick with the black when I can get it. I suggest you all do the same. :15:
Where can I get such stuff? And am I supporting terrorism when I buy them?

They should really develop a small logo for the bags, containers, etc, kinda like the Dolphin Safe logo, like it would have a masked terrorist with a gun, and a circle with a line through it, and say "This product does not support terrorism." It would make me feel so much better about doing drugs.
I hope you get sent to a Turkish prison; the both of you.
There goes grizzly with his yearly post, see you in 2005 for post #4.
A man who walks silently, but , well, yeah, that's about it.
Its been 10 years since Ive had any hash. The last I had was some afghani blonde. I can still taste it.
What is hash's origin? I mean, what is it? I never have understood.
I like hash better than weed.
Eating hash is a really good buzz.
It is treated marijuana, right? Tinctured or something?