Full Version: Gonzo Only - Ugly Keyser Lumpface Must Stay Out
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2 tired 2 give N F Wrote:So your love affair with cocaine was the only truth you told?
no, thats a lie too.
its true. i am an ugly lumpface.
Get out, lumpface.
why must you shun me just because i am ugly? are you that shallow?
Yes. Your lumps are repulsive. Get out before I kick you. I hate you and I hate your mother.
I wish someday to be as attractive as you are. You must have many gentleman at your beck and call.
Go lick your lumps.
post a picture so all of us can bask in your beauty.
I'm ugly too. I'm ashamed to show my ugly face. At least I ain't lumpy though. Now go to hell.
Splatterpunk Wrote:...At least I ain't lumpy though...
Maybe you're looking in the wrong places.
how does one have a lumpy face? Like pimples and stuff?
Is it like when you call someone potato head?
o lumpy as in Neanderthal man bones in the face.
at least that's what i think she means
Oh, that would make sense. Quite witty. I like the term lumpy face. I might steal it.
Wasn't splatter the girl that looked like she could be the lead singer for Twisted Sister or am I confusing her with one of her other Doors' brethren?
she looks like Christina Aguilera?
Nevermind, that might have been "dot" I'm thinking of.
i dont have a lumpy face, im actually rather handsome.
Danked Wrote:Wasn't splatter the girl that looked like she could be the lead singer for Twisted Sister or am I confusing her with one of her other Doors' brethren?
No, Danked, you remember right, if you saw the picture I think you saw. When I was in high school? With the blond?
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