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A Quizno's opened up in the mall down here and I figured to give it a try, this was a few months ago.

I'm standing in line lookin over the sammiches.... those fuckin prices are insane!!!

No sandwich is worth 9 bucks!
Quizno's is great, but yea they are essentially charging you 2 more dollars to heat the sandwich.
It's just silly to me, I can just go down to the deli and get myself a sweet sammich for 4.50 and ask them to throw it in the pizza oven.
it's insanely overpriced...but they sell the chili sauce for $5 and i bought a bottle to use at home when i cook.

also: quiznos is too bready for $9 a sandwich. not enough meat/fillings. i try to avoid breads so since one has opened around the corner from work, i rarely eat there. Chipotle...however, is another story....gourmet burritos rule.
It looks pretty greasy as well.
I only go if I get coupons, but they are tasty.
what don't you get coupons for?
Chipotle pork bowl. I need never go elsewhere.
god that just sounds disgusting... a bowl of pork.. blech.
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