IrishAlkey Wrote:I always repeatedly call the women who run screaming from my bed asking them what I could've done better.
This is a long process.
I cry a lot.
Pull out.
Note that my strike was successful. If they don't call you back, picket them until you get your way or go to jail. Galt is good in those situations.
I am only here to defend my semen.
Better than your semen being here to defend you.
My semen would abandon me for a saltine and a nickle.
Does arelis know you refer to her cooch as a saltine?
She's tasted it.
She knows.
And, yes, her ass tastes like loose change.
that's pretty sick dude... :crackhead:
Better her ass taste like loose change than be worth a nickel.
I've yet to decide its worth.
definetly not what i expected this thread to turn into
It is about 2 subjects you know nothing about.
yeah writing an email was pretty weak.
i dont think you really wanted this job, if you did you would have called.
I seriously pray sleeper has a different attitude when he's at work or interviewing or else he will never get a job.