Full Version: Fantasy Baseball sign up!!
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skittles like you suck
even sucky skittles are glorious ones
I hope I get second pick after keysers 1st then so I can land A Rod.
Fuck!!! This is what I get for procrastinating. :17:
eat something you'll feel better.
I'll eat two twinkies and call you in the morning.
wow... just wow...
Remember the scene where Larry David got high and went to the bathroom?
I totally forgot to sign up for this!
I didn't. Sucks for you and the fat man.
There is now 1 open spot. If Sleeper or Galt does not sign up I will in all likelihood throw something out the window.
make sure the windows open when you do that.
There was a problem:
• This league is full. (Error #221)

i tried also. :36:
Maybe if somebody (Grumpy Gills and ????) didn't take two teams someone else could join and be smote down by the Diggity Dogs.
let me just say that i know from a pretty good source and with a rather good degree of certainty that the person who is signed up as grumpy gills does not own another team in the league.
Bloody Anus Wrote:There is now 1 open spot. If Sleeper or Galt does not sign up I will in all likelihood throw something out the window.
I think the wall street liars= galt
i am the wall st liars
I am not in the league; nor will I be. I have no time, unfortunately, but also the two leagues I've been in with you folks, no one participates.
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