Full Version: my friend is gonna get his ass kicked one day
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I remember back in high school we were in a class, I forget what it was. We had a substitute teacher that day so ofcourse we did nothing and the teacher was reading his magazines or whatever.

So I am sitting in the back with my best friend at the time whose name was Jason. Jason looked like Charlie Murphy from Chappelle's show but without the goatee. Also 3 girls and 1 other kid named Yahuda who was a rasta and he sat in front of me and always got his fuckin dreds allover my desk.

So naturally they are all black and I am the lone white kid in this group. So we're talkin and shit and then he mentions a persons name who we all disliked in school, he was this "better than everyone persona" kid who pissed off everyone, like arpi.

So Jason says "yeah that kid is stupid" and I say "yeah that niggas a punk"

I dunno why I said it, I had never ever said the word Nigga around them before, I guess I was just caught up in the moment being surrounded by their negroness.

Anyway everyone stops talkin and they just stare at me and give me the fuckin first, second, third, and tenth degree on how I got no right to say the word nigga.

They didn't mind other shit tho, like I call laz, spook and shit like that they called me jew and shit. But the word nigga, oh man. I didnt even say Nigger, I said nigga.

I figured they always called me nigga so it might have been ok... wrong.... WRONG!!!

They didnt kick my ass cause we was all friends but I learn to feel out my niggas befo I use the term around them now.

But I know a lot of kids like your pal, he's definetly gonna get his grill busted one day.
better story
those matts...they sure do know how to get the womenz.
You know who is offended by the word "nigger"?

That's right! NIGGERS!!!
Yeah but then there was this hindu kid I forget his name and he always used the word nigga yet no one minded. Then again he looked like the hindu version of snoop dogg.

I remember during a bake sale he had these chocolate balls for sale and they had nuts allover them and he had a sign in front that said "deez nutz, 2 for 1 dollar".
Quote:he calls random phone numbers and just yells nigger and hangs up.

when I was in high school, I was at a basketball team against our rivals, and they had a black kid (they were few and far between on Cape Cod) who was really good; he could dunk.

He was at the free throw line and everyone was making nose, trying to rattle him. I yelled "Kunta Kinte!" real loud, and everything immediately got quiet. It was good times.
shoulda yelled "your name is tobe!"
Kid Afrika Wrote:You know who is offended by the word "nigger"?

That's right! NIGGERS!!!
OK, Oreo.
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