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Quote:Main Entry: in·vent
Pronunciation: in-'vent
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin inventus, past participle of invenire to come upon, find, from in- + venire to come -- more at COME
1 archaic : FIND, DISCOVER
2 : to devise by thinking : FABRICATE
3 : to produce (as something useful) for the first time through the use of the imagination or of ingenious thinking and experiment
- in·ven·tor /-'ven-t&r/ noun
- in·ven·tress /-'ven-tr&s/ noun

Now, who's the dumb ass?
Well, that's an interesting part of your life that I never knew about before; especially the part about how you sold you dad what seems to be the only hot box that DOESNT get hbo.

But I was commenting on how you never heard nor saw Raw. Go on Kazaa, and download the mp3, or even the movie if you want. That shit is some of the funniest stand up you will ever hear.
Now don't go getting yourself into a pissing contest with Black Laz. He'll beat you without even having to take a piss.
Mad Wrote:
Quote:Main Entry: in·vent
Pronunciation: in-'vent
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin inventus, past participle of invenire to come upon, find, from in- + venire to come -- more at COME
1 archaic : FIND, DISCOVER
2 : to devise by thinking : FABRICATE
3 : to produce (as something useful) for the first time through the use of the imagination or of ingenious thinking and experiment
- in·ven·tor /-'ven-t&r/ noun
- in·ven·tress /-'ven-tr&s/ noun

Now, who's the dumb ass?
2 : to devise by thinking : FABRICATE

you should read your own posts DUMBASS
i dont know about where you live, but in nassau with cablevision no black boxes get HBO. the only way to get it is by special subscription. every other channel is golden though. (well it was a few weeks ago until those fuckers moved the ppv channels to the 300s or whatever so you have to get digital cable)
A lot of hostility.

Now, I think he invented a type of helicopter, but I don't think he invented the first helicopter.. :huddles: PLEASE DONT HIT ME!
And who is credited with inventing the helicopter?

Quote:One of aviation's greatest designers, Russian born Igor Sikorsky began work on helicopters as early as 1910. By 1940, Igor Sikorsky's successful VS-300 had become the model for all modern single-rotor helicopters. He also designed and built the first military helicopter, XR-4, which he delivered to Colonel Franklin Gregory of the U.S. Army.

Thought so.
QuickStop Wrote:i dont know about where you live, but in nassau with cablevision no black boxes get HBO. the only way to get it is by special subscription. every other channel is golden though. (well it was a few weeks ago until those fuckers moved the ppv channels to the 300s or whatever so you have to get digital cable)
Wait, so you have special subscriptions, for black boxes???

Seriously, I've never heard of a black box that doesnt get all the channels. Whats the point of getting illegal cable if you cant get it all?
The Jays Wrote:A lot of hostility.

Now, I think he invented a type of helicopter, but I don't think he invented the first helicopter.. :huddles: PLEASE DONT HIT ME!
My point is i Never said he invented the first one.

Quote:Main Entry: in·vent
Pronunciation: in-'vent
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin inventus, past participle of invenire to come upon, find, from in- + venire to come -- more at COME
1 archaic : FIND, DISCOVER
2 : to devise by thinking : FABRICATE
3 : to produce (as something useful) for the first time through the use of the imagination or of ingenious thinking and experiment

Cause MAD can't read
Black Lazerus Wrote:
The Jays Wrote:A lot of hostility.

Now, I think he invented a type of helicopter, but I don't think he invented the first helicopter.. :huddles: PLEASE DONT HIT ME!
My point is i Never said he invented the first one.

Quote:Main Entry: in·vent
Pronunciation: in-'vent
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin inventus, past participle of invenire to come upon, find, from in- + venire to come -- more at COME
1 archaic : FIND, DISCOVER
2 : to devise by thinking : FABRICATE
3 : to produce (as something useful) for the first time through the use of the imagination or of ingenious thinking and experiment

Cause MAD can't read
You are right, my bad.
Quote:My point is i Never said he invented the first one.

You said simply "Helicopter." That implies that he invented the first helicopter.
Quote:Black Inventions

Refrigerator J. Standard

Super Soaker Lonnie Johnson

Fire Extinguisher Tom J. Marshal

Cellular Phone Henry Sampson

Helicopter Paul E. Williams

Cause Jay's has trouble reading also
dood CHARLIE MURPHY WAS IN CB4! how could you not know who he was?
Black Lazerus Wrote:
Quote:Black Inventions

Refrigerator J. Standard

Super Soaker Lonnie Johnson

Fire Extinguisher Tom J. Marshal

Cellular Phone Henry Sampson

Helicopter Paul E. Williams

Cause Jay's has trouble reading also
How am I having trouble reading? IT ONLY SAYS HELICOPTER. Where in that post does it say he invented a type of helicopter?

And you have trouble writing. It's just Jays. And the possessive would be Jays'.
CB4 is a bit before his time

it's on tv right now!!!
drusilla Wrote:dood CHARLIE MURPHY WAS IN CB4! how could you not know who he was?
Shit, Chris Rock was in CB4, I wouldn't have known a single person in that movie if they hadn't done something more famous.
you know what i just realized while looking up cb4...that i had seen it last week on CC and looked it up because i realized gusto was played by the supposed charlie murphy. so in looking it up a i found that it really was his brother because his name was a different color showing that i had seen his imdb page.. i dont why i didnt remember that. someone mst have drugged me
I wonder if a black man invented the black box as well.
drusilla Wrote:dood CHARLIE MURPHY WAS IN CB4! how could you not know who he was?
I want to see an explanation of how the black man invented the stove (which has to be about 3000 years old) and the motor (which could mean about 3000 different things).

I'm not saying whitey invented either, I'm just saying it's silly to take credit for those two.

...and the China Club Slap is about the funniest thing I have ever seen.
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