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PlasticMan Wrote:I want to see an explanation of how the black man invented the stove (which has to be about 3000 years old) and the motor (which could mean about 3000 different things).

I'm not saying whitey invented either, I'm just saying it's silly to take credit for those two.
I meant the modern day gas stove, shoulda been more specific.

The gas stove was invented by: T.A.Carrington, in 1876.

By motor I also shoulda been more specific. I meant that Federick M. Jones, invented the first self-starting gas motor/engine.

Jones also invented the portable X-ray machine, the air conditioning unit, air condition units for cars, refrigeration units for trucks and railroad cars, and he invented the first process that enabled movie projectors to play back recorded sound. Among many other things, all in all he recieved something like 70 patents.
What is this, Black History Month or something??
Hey you wanted to learn, you're learning!!
Quote:Seriously, I've never heard of a black box that doesnt get all the channels. Whats the point of getting illegal cable if you cant get it all?

Back in the day, all cable channels were mainly analog so hot boxes were hard to shut down. The cable companies got better technology eventually and began to change the frequencies of certain channels, mainly the movie chanels - but the hot-box people got wise and figured out ways around this. Eventually, cable channels just moved some channels out of the range of most analog boxes, thus rendering these stations "unviewable".

Now with Digital Cable, it's all but impossible - in theory - to use a hot box because the box itself acts like a computer and has an issigned IP address - plus the programming is digital and "pushed" to the box, instead of streamed like analog is. In other words, even if there was a digital hot-box, said box would have to "talk" to the cable company to "request" programming. I remember hearing about some kind of a connection that you hooked up between the cable feed and the cable box which essentially spoofed your IP address and let you view anything you wanted, but I haven't heard much else since so I think it was bogus.

My analog hotbox still works, but only up to channel 99 HBO is intermittent - sometimes it works, others it doesn't. The other pay channels work fine, however.
there are ways to get a "hot box" for satellite.
yeah but that involves getting unlocked cards tho, and unless you run an emulator its a pain to get it reset every time, unless youve got a local pal who can do it for you.
Black people didn't invent cocaine either...
drusilla Wrote:dood CHARLIE MURPHY WAS IN CB4! how could you not know who he was?
You are good.
Let's not forget Nino Browns brother G Money was in it too, he lent the CMB credibility.
thats beautiful
My brother bought a hot box for over $200 only to not use and go back to the satelitte he originally had and break into that to get more channels.

I can ask him how he did it if anyone REALLY wants to know but i doubt that you.
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