Full Version: Sebastian Telfair - NBA or College?
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That sonofabitch.

Anyway, any other info about Telfair? Does he deal drugs and rob kids?
Honestly I ain't heard much about him till I saw my old baseball coach and we were talkin, when he mentioned him I had no clue who this kid was. So he told me to stop by for a game and I did, he seems like a nice enough kid actually, I didnt talk to him or nothin. But from what I saw he seemed pretty collected and not so brash or cocky.
I've been reading about him in the Advance, and the Daily News for about a year or two now. Yesterday was the first time I heard about him on ESPN Radio.

I was following the whole McDonald's All American thing because a girl at St. Peter's Girls was selected this year; first time ever for the island.
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