Full Version: The Passion Of Christ
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Are these people insane? What Bible did they read where the Jews didn't kill Jesus? The Jews acknowledge killing Jesus, Jesus was a Jew for christsake!!!
you anti-semite!!!!!
It was really the hasidic guys who killed him. That's why that call them hasidic.

And the movie is in Aramaic? That's retarded.
And let it be a lesson to all you gentiles! You keep up with the big nose and penny picking-up jokes you to can end up as a pincushion. See Sig Pic for further details!
this conversation is so last week
wouldn't it be zany if the person who was translating the Aramaic didn't do it accurately? I mean, who would know, right?

I'd work in "boob"
Quote:this conversation is so last week

Quote:Internet Hipster